
Advanced Rent Request


This report was designed much like a reservation confirmation. The customization of the report focuses on providing the user options to choose Travel Insurance and Damage Deposit Waiver insurance by displaying rate options with and without the insurances. It also collects credit card information, saving the front desk an extra step when the user checks in, by having a credit card number on hand. 
Reservations/Reports/click Reporting Services link/Advanced Rent Request 
Parameters Screen:
User can select: 
  1. Office - A Single Office or All Offices. 
  2. Date Range – Quick way for user to select dates by yearly quarters. 
  3. Starting Date – Start Date of reservations set. 
  4. Ending Date – End Date of Reservations set. 
  5. Date Range is used for – Queries the reservation set by certain date criteria. 
    1. Date Reserved 
    2. Arrival Date 
    3. Date Changed 
    4. Date Reserved and / or Changed.
  6. Sort/ Order By – User can select the order in which the data is reported. 
    1. Date Reserved/Reservation ID 
    2. Date Arriving 
    3. Date Updated 
    4. Property Name 
    5. Guest Name
  7. Display Member Reservations? - Checking this box will display member reservations. 
  8. Display Canceled Reservations? - Checking this box will display canceled reservations. 
  9. Display Owner Reservations? - Checking this box will display owner reservations. 
  10. Display Holds? - Checking this box will display hold reservations. 
Report Output
Advance Rent Request Fig. 2.

  1. Section 1 – This section displays the reservation, property, and guest information.
  2. Section 2 – This section display the name, demographics, and contact phone numbers of the company.  It also displays the check in/out times of the reservation.
    1. Reservation Charges – This box area  displays the financial Rent, insurance, tax, and fees on the reservation.
    2. Credit Card Authorization – In the case of this custom report, this section is used to retrieve credit card information.  It can be customized to the clients liking though as it is all hard coded.
    3. Special Notes – This is another customizable section. Any special notes you would like to relay to the guest can be hard coded here as well.  This section will display the same information on all confirmations.
    4. About Your Accommodations - This section display property information.  Mainly the description of the property as well as the beds and phone number information. 
  3. Section 3 – This is the focus of the customization. This is the section that supplies options for the   client to choose from.  Providing 4 separate options, gives the guest control over what they want to chose in regards to insurances.
  4. Section 4 – This is another customizable area.  The section static to all confirmations.
  5. Section 5 – This section displays when the first payment is due on the reservation.
  6. Section 6 – Section 6 is customizable literature static to all confirmations.  The signature lines and email address information lines are located here as well. 

Revision 1.7