Loading... - Electronic File Transfer Setup Wizard

Electronic File Transfer Setup Wizard:

1. The 'EFT Setup for All Offices' configuration check box drives whether one set of EFT office configuration data is going to be used when generating the NACHA files or if individual office specific EFT configuration data is going to be used when generating the NACHA files.

(Select the System Configuration button > Select the Financial button > Select the Misc tab)

2. One office EFT configuration for all offices setup within VRM:


When the 'EFT Setup for All Offices' check box is selected and saved, an 'EFT Setup' button will appear.

3. Office specific EFT configuration: (Select the System Configuration button > Select the Company button > Select the Offices tab)

Set up fields in the wizard:


For more information on Electronic File Transfers read these Knowledge Base articles:  6.07.1 - Electronic File Transfer  and  6.5.1 - Direct Deposit Reconciliation for Electronic File Transfers .

Revision 1.4