Loading... - Applying your Message

Applying your Message

Before your message can be generated and sent, you have to apply it to your properties. To do this,
1. Go back to the ‘Event Messages’ menu.
2. Select your Message from the left side of the screen under ‘Event Messages’.
3. Click the blue ‘Apply Messages To Property’ button.

Event Messages Main Screen with Message Highlighted to Open Simplified Message Screen

4. Select the Office from the dropdown menu that manages the Property(ies) you want to apply the rule to.
5. Highlight the Property(ies).
6. Click the blue ‘Apply>>‘ button.
7. Click the blue ‘Apply Rule’ button at the bottom of the screen.
8. Click the ‘Close’ button at the bottom of the screen.

Event Messages Screen - ‘Apply Message Rule to Properties’ Screen with Properties Selected

Congratulations! You have just created and applied a message that will be sent to guests beginning 2 hours before check-in time if their vacation property is cleaned saying they can check in! After the system sends out the first group of messages at 2 hours before normal check-in time, the system will check every 5-15 minutes for properties that have had their status changed to ‘clean’ since the last check and will continue to send messages out to the guests until check-in time has been reached.

Revision 1.6