
4.2 - Check-in Information

Check-in Information

Situation 2: Your check-in procedures have changed
Most companies follow the same check-in pattern year after year, which works nicely for repeat guests. They know where to go and when to be there. For those who arrive after the normal check-in time, they are familiar with the procedure for obtaining their keys after hours. If things have changed and you need to alter your check-in procedures, giving your guests a heads up can reduce confusion and frustration on check-in day, especially for those arriving after your office has closed. You can update the information in the Guest Extranet’s Check-in Procedure section found under the Office Configuration portion of Welcome Home.
Additional information that can be shared on the Guest Extranet in the Check-in Information section 
of Office Configuration:
 Driving directions to your office/check-in location
 Check-in hours
 Information guests will need to supply to check-in
 After hours check-in procedures
 Instructions for using the lock-box
For step-by-step instructions on how to enter Check-in Information, see section  3.1 - Office Configuration of the User’s Guide.

Revision 1.2