Message Settings Menu in Guest Extranet
As mentioned before it is important to pick the accurate category for your messages because your guest has determined who in their party should get each type of message. Guests do this by going into the Welcome Home menu in the Guest Extranet, and clicking the plus sign on the left side of the ‘Message Settings’ menu. The first time a guest goes into the ‘Message Settings’ menu, the only name listed will be the name the reservation was made in. Additionally, the email address the guest provided when creating the reservation will also be displayed. By default, this guest will receive all Administrative, Financial, Marketing/Offer, and Emergency messages sent related to this reservation. By clicking on the blue ‘Add’ link, a guest can add others to the list to receive messages, specifying for each one which type of message(s) they need to receive. (All guests who are added to this list will receive Emergency messages, which is why that is not listed as a choice for type of messages a guest will receive.)
Guest Extranet with 'Message Settings' Section Open and New Person Added
Revision 1.4