The Safari web browser (Desktop,
iPad and iPhone) has a security setting for cookies.
iOS 6
Accept Cookies
- Always
- From Visited – Checked
by default
- Never
In the iOS 7 and latest Desktop
Block Cookies
- Always
- From Third Party or Advertisers – Checked by default
- Never
If the setting is set for either
(iOS 6) Never / From Visited or in iOS 7 Always / From Third Parties then the
user will receive a Session Expired Message because Safari is blocking the
cookie or it thinks the application is a Third Party/Advertiser.
The Members Extranet and Owner’s
Extranet do require cookies to funtion properly – and the default settings are
fine except in the cases where it is iFramed, such as yours. This
issue seems to be isolated to Safari specifically as we have tested – Chrome on
the mobile devices as well as multiple browsers on the desktop. And as
long as you allow cookies – then there is no issue.
A possible solution that we have
come up with is for your developer to put code in place to detect the browser
and/or device and in those cases that it detects the Safari browser – open the
page up in it’s own tab – otherwise IFrame as it is now. By opening
the page in it’s own tab – then safari now sees it as a standalone page in it’s
own right and the default settings work fine.
If you do chose to implement
such a solution please let use know and we would be happy to test on all
devices within our disposal.
Revision 1.0