
3.1.3 - Displaying the Office Configuration Information in Guest Extranet

Displaying the Office Configuration Information in Guest Extranet


The information entered in the ‘Guest Extranet Area Information’ and the information entered in the ‘Guest Extranet Check-in Procedure’ fields, as well as the information entered under the ‘Categories’ tab will only be viewable in the Guest Extranet.  Guests can find all this information by logging into Guest Extranet, selecting the blue button that says ‘Manage/View Reservations’, selecting a reservation from the ‘Reservations’ box, and clicking the blue ‘Manage/View Reservation’ button at the bottom of the screen.  Once a guest has gotten into the screen with information pertaining to a specific reservation, he/she will see the ‘Welcome Home’ menu bar below the red ‘Manage Your Reservation’ heading. 


To see the Area Information you entered in the ‘Guest Extranet Area Information’ text box, or in the information entered in the ‘Categories’ tab and assigned to an Office, a guest needs to click on the plus sign at the right of the ‘Welcome Home’ menu bar to open up the Welcome Home screen, and click on the plus sign at the left of the ‘Area Information’ menu bar.  The information you entered in the ‘Guest Extranet Area Information’ will appear just like you entered it in the text editor.  The information you entered in the ‘Categories’ tab will display by category.  To view the information under each category, a guest will need to click the plus sign on the right side of the category heading.


Area Information Displaying in Guest Extranet

To see the Check-in Procedures you entered in the ‘Guest Extranet Check-in Procedure’ text box, a guest needs to click on the plus sign at the right of the ‘Welcome Home’ menu bar in Guest Extranet to open up the Welcome Home screen, and directly below the ‘Welcome Home’ menu bar, he/she will see information regarding whether or not the property is ready for check-in, what time check-in is, and below that is the information you entered in the ‘Guest Extranet Check-in Procedure’ screen.

Check-in Procedures Displaying in Guest Extranet

Revision 1.6