
13.2.10 Reservation Emails

Hooked Emails

A Quick Overview

This functionality allows the end user to setup emails that will automatically be sent during a reservations life cycle.  The emails are sent by nightly batch process. 



If the member on a reservation does not desire to have emails sent, the end user can deselect the 
'Receives Emails' check box on the front of the reservation.  This will disable the hooked emails for the reservation.


Hooked Emails are setup at the following location: 
System Configuration button/ Company button/ Reservation Emails tab.


A reservation hooked email is made active when the check box to the left of the hooked email setup is selected.
When the 'Edit' button is selected the hooked email setup view opens.  The end user has the ability to setup the email subject line value, email body value, and include an email attachment to be included within the hooked email.  When hooked emails are setup within the system configuration all properties will receive the same hooked emails.

The following Hooked  Emails are static meaning that the end user does not control the time when the emails are sent as the are based on the system configuration:

  1.  When a reservation is made.
  2. Three days prior to "Prepaid Required By"
  3.  Prepay Satisfied "Thank You"
  4. Three days prior to "Balance Due On"
  5. Balance Paid "Thank You"
  6. Security Deposit on Hold

There are eight  dynamic hooked emails that can be setup with a user defined day parameter.  Of these eight four are hooked emails that can be setup with a user defined day parameter that will be sent before the reservation checks in and four hooked emails can be setup with a user defined number of days after the reservation has checked out.  The day parameter can be set for however many or few days the end user would like.

Company Hooked Emails Configuration

The following information outlines the configuration settings within VRM that drive when and what specific hooked emails will be sent.

1.1  When a Reservation Has Been Made, hooked email:
This hooked email is sent to all new reservations on the day they were entered into the VRM application.
1.2  Three days prior to Prepaid Required By, hooked email:
This hooked email is sent three days prior to the 'Confirmation Required By' date on the front of a
reservation.  The control configuration for the 'Reservation Confirmation Days' date is located at (System Configuration => Company => Misc. Tab).  This control configuration drives the setting of the 'Confirmation Required By' date when a reservation is created. 
1.3  Prepay Satisfied Thank You, hooked email:
This hooked email is sent on the day of the reservation's 'Confirmation Required by' date and is sent
to members who have satisfied their reservation's required prepay amount. 

1.4  Three days prior to Balance due on, hooked email:
This hooked email is sent three days prior to the 'days required for full payment' date of a reservation.  This date value is not displayed on the reservation but does appear on the reservation confirmation as
the 'Due on or before' date value.  The control configuration for the 'Days Required for Full Payment' date is located at (System Configuration => Company => Misc. Tab).  This control configuration drives the setting of the 'Days Required for Full Payment' date when a reservation is created. 
1.5  Balance paid Thank you, hooked email:
This hooked email is sent on the date the full payment of the reservation is required and is only
sent if the balance on the reservation has been satisfied. The control configuration for the 'Days Required for Full Payment' date is located at (System Configuration => Company => Misc. Tab).  This control configuration drives the setting of the 'Days Required for Full Payment' date when a reservation is created. 

1.6  Number of Days Prior to check in, hooked email:
This hooked email is sent the number of days prior to check in that is entered by the end user when
setting up the hooked email.  These hooked email types are end user dynamic.  The end user decides the number of days prior to check in the hooked email is sent. 
1.7  Number of Days After check out, hooked email:
This hooked email is sent the number of days after a reservation has checked out.  These hooked email types are also end user dynamic.  The end user decides the number of days after check out that they would like these hooked email types to be sent.

1.8  Security Deposit on Hold, hooked email:
This hooked email is sent to members whose deposit has been held. The email is sent on the last day of a reservation's 'Number of days before refund' date.  This financial configuration date is determined by the setting located at, (System Configuration => Financial => Misc. Tab).

Property Specific Hooked Emails Configuration

2.1  Number of Days Prior to check in, hooked email:
This property specific hooked email is sent the number of days prior to check in that is entered by the end user when setting up this hooked email type.  This hooked email type is end user dynamic.  The end user decides the number of days prior to check in this property specific hooked email type is to be
sent.  This hooked email is setup at, (Property => Manage Properties => Highlight office => Highlight
specific property => Manage Attributes => Reservation Emails tab).  Select the 'Active' check box to make this hooked email functional.

2.2  Number of Days After check out, hooked email:
This property specific hooked email is sent the number of days after a reservation has been checked out.  This hooked email type is end user dynamic.  The end user decides the number of days after check out this hooked email is to be sent.  This hooked email is setup at, (Property => Manage Properties => Highlight office => Highlight specific property => Manage Attributes => Reservation Emails tab).  Select the 'Active' check box to make this hooked email functional.

Video Tutorial: Step by Step On Hooked E-Mails 



Revision 2.0