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Book This Property for a Guest

Just as Owners can use the 'Book this Property for ​Owner' sub-menu to block out time for his own use, he can use the 'Book This Property for a Guest' sub-menu to reserve time for a Guest of his.

The first thing an Owner need to do to create an Owner Guest Reservation is select a Check In Date from the calendar.  Doing so will open additional fields that need to be completed.

A Check Out date can now be selected from the 'Departing' drop down menu.  
If the Owner would like to give his Guest a discount, he can enter the amount in the 'Discount' field and then select either 'Percent' or 'Dollar' from the drop down menu indicating whether the discount is a dollar amount off of the rent, or the discount is a percent off the rent.
Once the reservation information is entered, the Owner needs to enter the Guest information by clicking on the 'Find Member' button.

The Owner can search for a Guest already in your database by entering his first and last name and clicking on 'Search'.  If the Guest is in the database, the Owner can select them.  If he is not in the database, the Owner can choose to enter a 'New' Guest by completing all the fields related to that Guest and his information.

Complete the reservation by clicking 'Save' and then 'Reserve'.

Revision 1.1