
Managing Your VRM Website

Managing your VRM Website

Your VRM website is composed of two pieces. We call them the front end and back end or Content Management System (CMS) and Online Search and Booking Engine (OLSE).
Most of the pages that are part of the OLSE will have URLs that include /vacation/ in the URL path. Such as www.mydomain.com/vacation/category/all. There are a few exceptions that don’t follow this syntax that will be mentioned later. These pages are all tied into your VRM admin console and is getting information directly from your VRM database. You can change, rates, descriptions, amenities, and other settings in VRM and they will be reflected on the website without any other action.
Access through VRM is the only access you have to these pages. Any other items that need to be changed, set, etc. will need to be done by VRM employees.
Items like title tags, meta description, any tracking code, etc. will have to implemented by VRM. The title tags for the dynamic pages, like the property detail pages and web group pages are also dynamic and configurable with available variables. See this page for more information. https://vrmgr.worketc.com/Documents?v=kb&id=200
Standalone pages like the advanced search page, have the meta data included manually by VRM employees.
The pages that are managed from the CMS and not tied into VRM data are managed completely by the CMS and whoever has login credentials. The title tags and other data can be set when first creating a page or chanhttps://vrmgr.worketc.com/Documents?v=kb&id=200ged later in the page settings menu. A brief overview of the admin menu items for the CMS is located here, https://vrmgr.worketc.com/kb?id=463. There are some other tutorials from older systems that still apply as well. Feel free to browse through the knowledge base for help. It is currently limited but improving all the time. There is also a link to the knowledge base from within the CMS.
There are just a few other pages that have some management from the CMS and some from VRM and any SEO items like title tags and meta data need to be implemented by VRM employees., Those pages include the property map, the blog page, (not individual posts, just the initial blog page), and long term rentals.

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