
6.11.5 How to Advance Rents to an Owner as a one-time event

If you have an owner who is asking for an advance on rent from a reservation and you don't routinely advance, here is how to do it:

  1. Set the property to “allow advancing” in properties >manage properties > edit > Misc >check the “allow advancing checkbox”

  2. Enable 100% advancing in system configuration > Financial >Misc

  3. Set the advance type to "Rent + Management Fees". Disable this after you have completed your owner advance.

Configuring 100% Rent Advancing

4. In Accounting > Manual overrides >Advance Rent

    1. Select the office

    2. Select the Property

    3. Leave the Rent + Management fees option highlighted

    4. Reservations available to advance appear

      1. In the box to the right enter the amount of rent to advance to the owner.

      2. Select “Advance Rent”. When you do so the rent will distribute into the owner account and the management fee will come out of the owner account and into management

      3. The remaining funds on the reservation for taxes and pet fee will distribute at the usual time and the reservation will process correctly.

      4. If a reservation is not fully paid up, the amount that is available to advance to the owner will display.

    5. Disburse to the owner in Accounting > Accounts Payable >Expense Owner

    6. The down side to this is that if you wish to refund the guest for any reason, there will not be any funds available and you’ll probably have trouble getting money back from the owner.

Revision 1.2