
2.2 - Property Configuration

Property Configuration

The ‘Property Configuration’ section of the Welcome Home Dashboard is used to enter and format data you would like to share with all your guests staying in a specific property. Guests will be able to access and view this information from the Guest Extranet. This is the perfect place to communicate information to guests that everyone who stays in the specific property would need to know but that you might not want to share with anyone not staying in the property. 

Property Configuration Main Screen

For example, information regarding usernames and passwords for internet, instructions regarding using the entertainment system, trash pick-up days, instructions on how to lock the doors, codes to access the community pool or fitness center, etc. This space is an excellent place to put the answers to all of those questions you or your staff get asked multiple times about a specific property that you do not want to put on your website for all the world to see. More details in the  3.2 - Property Configuration  section below.

Revision 1.7