This section is used for adding, removing, or editing
questions. Below provides more details
on the questions functionality. Please
note the admin end user perform the following:
- You can only edit property questions. Housekeeping, maintenance, and
reservations questions and comments must be changed by VRM.
- You may edit questions, but it is a good idea to only make
minor changes in grammar or spelling.
- For major changes, you should add a new question and
deactivate the old question.
- New questions are inactive by default.
- To change the status of a question, simply press the
button under the "Status" column.
- Newly activated questions are placed at the bottom of
the list by default.
- To change the ordering of the questions, change the
number in the dropdown menu in the Q# column.
- To prevent potential problems with the survey, you may
only delete questions that are inactive.
add a new question, simply click the “Add New Question” link.
Revision 1.3