6.11.6 How to compare the settled batch at the VroooomPay! Gateway to the credit card deposits in VRM

How to compare the settled batch at the VroooomPay! Gateway to the credit card deposits in VRM


This is an important step to ensure the credit card payments that batched at the gateway match the credit card deposits in VRM. This should be done every morning, compare the prior day credit card deposit to the settled batch at the gateway for that day. 


To get to the VroooomPay! Gateway go to the following URL 



Note: If you forget your password go to the link above enter the Account & Login then click “Login” a link “forgot your password” will populate click that and the gateway will email a new password to the email address set up for the Login that was used. If you do not
know the Account and/or Login contact help@vrmgr.com and we can provide that information.


On the home page on the left hand side under Merchant Menu>


  1. Go to Reporting
  2. Click on Settlement
3. Click on Batch History

4. Batch Settlement Report

This will show the Total Amount of the settled batch, the # Trans and the Date & Time the batch settled. The see the indivdual payments that make of the total click on the number in the “#Trans” column.


The total of the settled batch at the gateway should match the total credit card deposit in VRM for the same day.

All these amounts should balance. If there is a difference that needs help being researched STOP and contact support.

Revision 1.3