
3.2.0 Email Marketing Functionality

Simple CRM Made Simple

You can have a NON-RESERVATION or a RESERVATION campaign (designated by the Non Reservation Campaign check box)


  1. Include guests who do NOT have a reservation in VRM.
  2. If the “Only ‘Receive Email’ members” check box is checked, include guests with the “Receive Email” check box checked at the Member & Guest level.
  3. If the “Include ‘DO NOT RENT’ members” check box is checked, include guests with the “Do Not Rent To” check box checked at the Member & Guest level.
  4. The guest has to have a valid email address.

Using this in a marketing statement you could say:
“I want to send emails to all guests in the system that have never had a reservation in VRM”


IMPORTANT NOTE:  There is a database configuration that drives two different paths, and the dates drive another path for a total of 3 options

If dates are left blank (regardless of database configuration)

  1. Include any guest who HAS a reservation in VRM.
  2. If the “Only ‘Receive Email’ members” check box is checked, include guests with the “Receive Email” check box checked at the Member & Guest level.
  3. If the “Include ‘DO NOT RENT’ members” check box is checked, include guests with the “Do Not Rent To” check box checked at the Member & Guest level.
  4. The guest has to have a valid email address.
  5. Include guest within selected Office.
  6. Include guest within selected Property.

Using this in a marketing statement you could say:
“I want to send emails to all guests in the system that  have a reservation in VRM”

Database Configuration ON

  1. Send email regardless if the guest has a reservation next year within the beginning and ending “Stay Date Range.” 


Res #:  1

Arrival: 07/01/2011

Departure:  07/08/2011

Res #: 2

Arrival:  07/21/2012

Departure:  07/28/2012

Reservation Campaign

Begin:  07/01/2011

End:  07/31/2011

The email functionality will send an email to the guest despite them having a reservation in 2012 within the beginning and ending “Stay Date Range.”

2.  Include any guest who HAS a reservation in VRM with a reservation arrival date >= beginning “Stay Date Range” and a reservation departure date <= ending  “Stay Date Range.”
3.  If the “Only ‘Receive Email’ members” check box is checked, include guests with the “Receive Email” check box checked at the Member & Guest level.
4.  If the “Include ‘DO NOT RENT’ members” check box is checked, include guests with the “Do Not Rent To” check box checked at the Member & Guest level.
5.  The guest has to have a valid email address.
6.  Include guest within selected Office.
7.  Include guest within selected Property.

Using this in a marketing statement you could say:
“I want to send emails to all guests in the system that  have a reservation in VRM within beginning and ending “Stay Date Range.”

Database Configuration OFF

1.  Send emails to guests that have a reservation in VRM, but EXCLUDE the guest if they have a reservation within the beginning and ending “Stay Date Range” next year.

Res #:  1
Arrival: 07/01/2011
Departure:  07/08/2011

Res #: 2
Arrival:  07/21/2012
Departure:  07/28/2012

Reservation Campaign
Begin:  07/01/2011

End:  07/31/2011

The email functionality will NOT send an email to the guest because they do have a reservation next year.

2.  Include any guest who HAS a reservation in VRM with a reservation arrival date >= beginning “Stay Date Range” and a reservation departure date <= ending  “Stay Date Range.”

3.  If the “Only ‘Receive Email’ members” check box is checked, include guests with the “Receive Email” check box checked at the Member & Guest level.

4.  If the “Include ‘DO NOT RENT’ members” check box is checked, include guests with the “Do Not Rent To” check box checked at the Member & Guest level.

5.  The guest has to have a valid email address.

6.  Include guest within selected Office.

7.  Include guest within selected Property.

Using this in a marketing statement you could say:
“I want to send emails to all guests in the system that  have a reservation in VRM within beginning and ending ‘Stay Date Range’ and exclude guest with reservations within the beginning and ending ‘Stay Date Range’ a year in the future.”

Revision 1.6