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Schedule Delivery


Since ‘Manual Messages’ are not ones that will be used again, your choices for when to send the message are much more simplified than the ‘Event Messages’. For Administrative and Marketing messages, you can choose to send your message ‘Now’ or ‘Later’. If you select ‘Later’, three new fields will display for you to fill in the date and time you want to send your message.


Please note that for both Financial and Emergency messages, you do not have the option to send the message later; by default, they are sent ‘Now’. Messages marked to send ‘Now’ will be sent between 5-15 minutes after the message is completed.



For our example message, we know we want to send the message on the 4th of July in the late morning, giving guests time to make plans to get to the fireworks, so we will select to send our message ‘Later’ on July 4th at 11:00am.



Manual Message Main Screen – Guest Selection and Delivery Selection for Administrative, Marketing, or Emergency Messages

Revision 1.5