Loading... - Applying an Event Message to Multiple Properties through 'Event Messages'

Applying an Event Message to Multiple Properties through ‘Event Messages’


To apply a message to multiple properties at one time, click on the ‘Event Messages’ tab, click the Event Message you want to apply, and click the blue ‘Apply Message to Property’ button on the right side of the screen.



Event Messages Main Screen with Message Highlighted to Open Simplified Message Screen



Clicking on the ‘Apply Messages to Property’ button will open a new screen. On the left of the screen you will see a dropdown menu to select which one of your offices the property/properties are in you want to apply the rule to.



Event Messages Screen - 'Apply Messages to Property' Button Clicked to Open ‘Assign Event Message To Properties’ Screen



For our example, I would select ‘VRM Realty, Inc.’, from the drop down menu. This would generate a list of all the properties that are managed through our VRM Realty Office.


Event Messages Screen - ‘Assign Event Message To Properties’ Screen with Office Selected from Dropdown Menu


Click on the property in the left hand box that needs to have the rule applied to it. To add multiple properties at one time, click on the first property in the list you want to add, hold the SHIFT key, and click on the last property in the list. Or, if the properties are not listed consecutively, click the first property you want to add, hold the CTRL key and click the other properties you want to add. After selecting the properties, click the blue ‘Include >>‘ button to add it to the list on the right hand side of the screen of ‘All Properties Associated’.



For our example, none of the VRM properties offer paper products, so I want to associate my ‘Pack Paper Products’ rule with all of them. I would click on ‘VRM Christian's Castle’, hold the SHIFT key, click on ‘VRM Trevor’s Haunt’, and then click the ‘Apply >>‘ button. All of these properties will now appear in the ‘All Properties Associated’ box on the right side of the screen.




Event Messages Screen - ‘Assign Event Message To Properties’ Screen with Properties Selected



After the list is complete, click the blue ‘Assign Messages’ button at the bottom right of the screen. Then click the white ‘Close’ button.



From this point on, for our example, any guest checking into one of our ‘VRM’ properties will receive an email one day before they check in reminding them to pack their paper products.

Revision 1.5