
Guest Extranet Configuration Options

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Guest Extranet Configurations Options


This document outlines a list of options to turn on or off configurations within the guest extranet.  These options provide flexiblility for a wide range of customer business practices.  Review the following options to get a better understanding of what the guest extranet has to offer.


The following items can be turned on or turned off.  If they are on, then the options displays to the guest.  If they are off, the option does not display to the guest. 


Manage / View Reservations [mem_reservations] - Turn this feature on or off.  If this is on, the guest can view the “Manage / View Reservations” button on the home page.  This provides access to managing reservations


Make a Rent Payment [mem_cc_payment_prepay] – Turn this feature on or off.  If this is on, the guest can view the Make a Rent Payment option to post CC or Echeck payments.


Damage Deposit Payment [mem_cc_payment_secDeposit] - Turn this feature on or off.  If this is on, the guest can view the Make a Rent Payment option to post CC or Echeck payments.


Travel Insurance [mem_travel_ins] - Turn this feature on or off.  If this is on, the guest can view the Travel Insurance options to add Travel Insurance. 


Damage Insurance [mem_damage_ins] - Turn this feature on or off.  If this is on, the guest can view the Travel Insurance options to add Damage Insurance. 


Available Guest Extras [mem_extras] - Turn this feature on or off.  If this is on, the guest can view the Available Guest Extras options to add and remove guest charges.  The client has control over which guest charges the would like the guest to add, as well as which guest charges they want to prevent the guest from removing.  In the guest charges configurations there is a check box called Public.  By UNchecking the “Public” check box via System Configuration > Property > Guest Charges tab > highlight a guest charge and click edit > check the “Public” check box > click save, the guest cannot remove the guest charge if it is applied to the reservation.  If this check box is checked, then the guest can remove the guest charge.


Sign Lease Agreement [mem_sign_vra] - Turn this feature on or off.  If this is on, the guest can view the Sign Lease Agreement option where the guest can sign the lease agreement. 


Update Reservation Guest Info [mem_update_res_mem_info] - Turn this feature on or off.  If this is on, the guest can view the Update Reservation Guest Info option.  This option allows the guest the ability to update reservation guest information on the Member Info tab of the reservation. 


Print / Email Confirmation [mem_print_email_conf] - Turn this feature on or off.  If this is on, the guest can view the Print / Email Confirmation option to view or print their reservation confirmation. 


Update Guest Information [mem_update_mem_info] - Turn this feature on or off.  If this is on, the guest can view the Update Reservation Guest Info option.  This option allows the guest the ability to update  guest information in the VRA system under Members & Guests. 


Update Password [mem_update_password] - Turn this feature on or off.  If this is on, the guest can view the Update Password option, where they can update their password.


Concierge Services [mem_concierge_svc] - Turn this feature on or off.  member extranet concierge services.  No clients currently use conceirge services.


Loyalty Program [mem_loyalty_program] - Turn this feature on or off.  member extranet loyalty program.  The loyalty program is a rewards incentive program for guests structured by the client.


Amenity Services Inc., Pass Card [mem_asi_pass_card] - Turn this feature on or off.  member extranet ASI pass card functionality.  ASI Pass Card functionality allows a guest to print pass card information.  This functionality is no longer used.  They use a custom report to deliver ASI pass cards instead.



The following configurations affect / introduce functionality changes to the guest extranet:


Email Notifications [mem_email_notification] - Turn this feature on or off.  If this feature is on, email notifications will be sent to the guest when a payment is made.  If it is off emails will not be sent to the guest when a payment is made.


Guest Extranet Login URL [mem_url] - URL of the members extranet home page.  This URL displays on the reservation email confirmation.


It is the guest login page where a guest can log into the guest extranet.


Display Name Textbox to Sign Lease Agreement [mem_display_vra_name] - Turn this feature on or off.  Configuration determining if the digital signature name should be entered as part of the process when signing the lease agreement.  By default the guest only has to check the Accept check box.  With this feature on, both the check box and a signature text box has to be fullfilled to sign the lease agreement.


Down Payment Required [mem_down_payment_req] - Turn this feature on or off.


Configuration that requires a minimum of the down payment amount to be paid.  This applies only if the down payment has not been met.  Here is the criteria:


  1. If the down payment is not met, display another line item labeled "Minimum Down Payment"  on the Make a Payment screen only (not the Make a Damage Deposit Payment screen). 

  2. This amount reflects the reservations Required Prepay amount - the amount paid on Prepay.

  3. The guest can pay an amount >= the Minimum Down Payment.

  4. If the guest attempts to pay an amount < the Minimum Down Payment amount, display

message "Minimum Down Payment not met.  Amount must be >= $(amount left to pay on

down payment)."

  1. When the guest enters the make a payment screen, populate the payment amount with the

amount left to pay to satisfy the Minimum Down Payment amount.  Minimum Down

Payment amount - amount paid on prepay.




Full Payment Required [mem_full_payment_req] - Turn this feature on or off.  Configuration that only allows for the full payment amount to be posted.  Only applies if down payment HAS been met.


In conjunction with mem_down_payment_req configuration.


  1. Down payment must be met.

  2. Disable the payment amount field, only allowing the guest to pay what is left to pay.

  3. Populate the payment amount field with the "Total Left to Pay" amount.

  4. The Minimum Down Payment amount is no longer displayed.


Date Limit Message for Travel Insurance, Damage Insurance, and Available Extras [mem_date_limit_message] - Displays message indicating how many days prior to check in Travel changes can be made to a reservation.


Number of Days Prior to Check In Configuration [mem_extra_daysPriorToChkIn] - # of days prior to check in that a guest can update a reservation in reference to travel insurance, damage insurance, available extras.


Credit Card and Echeck Display Configuration [mem_cc_display] - Configuration determining how credit cards display on the guest extranet.  0 - all credit cards and echecks, 1 - echecks only, 2 - echecks only, and ignores web flag in case client wants CC on web booking and echeck on GE.


Number of Days Prior to Check In a Payment can be Made [mem_payment_daysPriorToChkIn] - Configuration allows for a payment to be X number of days prior to the check in date.


Number of Days Prior to Check In a Payment can be Made Message [mem_payment_daysPriorToChkIn_msg] - When a payment cannot be made this message displays.


Display # of Parking Spots when Signing Lease Agreement [mem_parking_spots] - Turn this feature on or off.  member extranet display and selection of # of parking spots when signing the VRA.


Payment Plan Configuration [mem_payment_plan] - Turn this feature on or off. 


The payment plan option allows the client to setup payment options for the guest.  The client send VRM a Name, Description, Down Payment Type, Down Payment Amount, and Terms and Conditions of payment plans they would like to have setup.  VRM inputs this information into the database.  Once they are setup, when the guest goes to the guest extranet they are required to select one of the payment options,  agree to the terms and conditions of that particular payment plan, and post the down payment amount.  For the initial payment, the guest can only post the payment plan required down payment amount or more.  Once the down payment has been received the guest can pay any amount they want.  The payment plan information will display to the guest.  The payment plan functionality does not display on confirmations, meaning it is a manual process for the client to notify the guest when to post payments. 


Re-Sign Lease Agreement Configuration [mem_resign_vra] - Turn this feature on or off. 


Configuration allows guest to re-sign VRA.  When the "VRA Signed" check box is unchecked opn the reservation, by the client, then the guest can go into the guest extranet and re-sign the VRA.


Sign Lease Agreement before a Payment can be Made [mem_sign_vra_before_cc_payment] - Turn this feature on or off. 


member extranet requirement to sign VRA before a payment can be made.


Sign Lease Agreement before a Payment can be Made Message [mem_sign_vra_before_cc_payment_msg] - Displays message indicating a payment cannot be made until the VRA is signed.


Display Distributed Reservations [show_distributed] - Turn this feature on or off. 


Configuration to allow guests to access distributed reservations, in guest reservations list.


Damage Insurance Removal [mem_damage_ins_removal] - Turn this feature on or off. 


Configuration that allows the guest to remove damage insurance.  By default the guest can only add Damage Insurance.  Once damage insurance is added it cannot be removed without contacting the client.


Damage Insurance and Lease Agreement Signed Configuration [mem_damage_ins_removal_vra_sign] - Turn this feature on or off. 


Configuration that prevents add or removal of damage insurance if the VRA has been signed. 


Travel Insurance Removal [mem_travel_ins_removal] - Turn this feature on or off. 


Configuration that allows the guest to remove travel insurance. 


By default the guest can only add Travel Insurance.  Once travel insurance is added it cannot be removed without contacting the client.


Travel Insurance and Lease Agreement Signed Configuration [mem_travel_ins_removal_vra_sign] - Turn this feature on or off.  Configuration that prevents add or removal of travel insurance if the VRA has been signed.

Hold Reservations Payments [mem_allow_hold_payment] - Turn this feature on or off.  Allow guest to post payments on hold reservations.

Revision 1.1