
CMS Media Manager

CMS Media Manager


The media manager is the place for you to upload images and documents to your website so that you can link to them later. Most of the time you will upload images directly from the page you want the image on (that is covered in another video)
But what it you want to upload a PDF to link to from a page or an image that you want to place use from a web group page in VRM? Or you want to add a slide to your home page slide show. You can do all of those things by uploading your file first using the media manager.
Start by clicking the media manager link. From here you can upload a file or create a new folder. 
FYI, you will have the best results and be able to access and debug your files and folders if you adhere to best practices for file naming convention. The following applies to both folders and files. These are also the best practices for SEO purposes.
1. Names should be as short as possible and meaningful.
2. Names should not contain any spaces or specials characters other than a hyphen or underscore.  Use a hyphen where you would normally put a space.
3. Use all lower case letters. Many web servers are case sensitive, our is not however, its best to get in the habit of using all lower case. It cuts down on typos.
If you want to create a new folder just click the link, give it a name and click create.
The default folder is called uploads. All of our clients will also have a PDF folder and a slides folder. Slides are where the homepage slides are stored (most clients)
To upload to a specific folder, you must first open or enter that folder by clicking on it. The line up here tells you where you are. If you upload a file or create a folder while here this is where it will be stored. To go back up simply click the up arrow.
Let’s upload a PDF. Enter the pdf directory, Choose upload file. The file is uploaded and you will now be able to link to it.
Figuring out what the link is easy. It will always be your domain name followed by the folder, then the file name.
Your domainname.com/uploads/pdf/sample.pdf
How to use the links will be covered in the videos for direct links and creating and editing pages.

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