
1.6.4 Sign Lease Agreement

Sign Lease Agreement – Guests can sign a reservation’s lease agreement at any time by selecting ‘Sign Lease Agreement’ from the reservations page.

Guests that make their reservations online are required to electronically sign the VRA at the time they make their reservation; however, Guests who place a reservation over the phone are obviously not given the opportunity to sign the Agreement at the time the reservation is placed.  For phone reservations, as soon as the Reservationist enters the reservation into the system, the VRA will be available in the Guest Extranet for the Guest to view and sign.  The Reservationist on the phone with the Guest at the time the reservation is placed can direct the Guest to the Guest Extranet, or the Guest can wait for their email confirmation (which includes the login information for the Guest Extranet) to be sent.  (If the reservation is made via phone, a Reservationist will have to click on the ‘Summary Tab’ of the reservation and select ‘Send Confirmation’ in order for the email to be sent.) 

Once a reservation’s lease agreement has been signed, the following text in red will display on the sign lease agreement page, ‘This reservation VRA has already been signed’.  The signed VRA can be printed from the sign lease agreement page by selecting the ‘Print’ button.  If the VRA is required before a payment can be made, this configuration option is available and can be turned on.

Please note that the rental company receives an email log each morning showing the Guest Extranet activity from the day before.  This email includes information regarding the signing of contracts, and the addition of Travel Insurance or Extras.  If the Guest makes a change to their reservation that changes the amount due, it is a good idea for the Management Company to request the Guest sign a revised copy of the VRA.  The Guest Extranet will not require this; it is up to the rental company to deactivate the old contract by unchecking the signed VRA box in the reservation and contacting the Guest letting them know they need to resign the VRA that will be available in the Guest Extranet after the Management Company deactivates the original contract.

Revision 1.2