Expired Credit Card Updater
When you process a credit card charge through our VroooomPay
Gateway, the credit card number is stored at the Gateway in a secure fashion (PCI Compliant),
allowing you to refund to the card at a later date, or to re-issue a new charge
to the credit card for a new transaction.
But what happens if the card has expired? Well, the card is declined, and a new card number
or expiration date has to be obtained.
The card holder has to be tracked down, and new information has to be
entered, resulting in lost time and energy, and perhaps a negative contact with
the guest.
With VroooomPay’s Expired Credit Card Updater, this problem
can often be eliminated. This exciting
new functionality actually is capable of predicting a credit card’s new expiration
date, and automatically entering it into the system for future use. Now when a reissue is attempted against an
expired card, the charge will usually go through and the card is updated with
the new expiration date at the same time.
This new functionality will be released to all clients using
the VroooomPay gateway on
August 21, 2016.
After that date, you will be charged a nominal fee of $2.00 for the
first transaction attempted against an expired card only if that transaction is
actually successfully completed. It is a one-time charge which is not repeated
for subsequent reissues against the updated card.
In the event that you prefer to handle upcoming credit cards
manually, please enter a help ticket and we will remove this new functionality
from your gateway interface.
Best Regards,
VRM Staff
Revision 1.2